„A Serious Man”

As part of the Jewish Culture Festival in Copenhagen, I went to the screenplay of „A Serious Man” by brothers Joel and Ethan Cohen. Before…

An answer to the IPN

A few days ago I published on Facebook a short note in English (a Polish translation has later been published on the website Jewish.pl) in…

Yom HaShoah

Remembrance Day for 6 million Jews murdered by German extermination machine and collaborating with it bollards and helpers of all kinds. Remembrance Day for the…


Well, and good morning to you too! Oh, yes. That’s correct. The old Joseph that’s me. What? Are they telling stories about me? Probably because…

A War that Disrupted the Family

“Krigen, der splittede min familie” The Danish television broadcasted a documentary film entitled “The war that disrupted my family”. Recently I have heard a lecture…

Scars without wounds?

„Memory goes first down to the grave …” (Anna Frajlich) On December 10, Judith Beerman Zeligson, a psychotherapist, gave a lecture in the Jewish Community…

But let it not happen

Esther carries heavy shopping bags. She is waiting for the elevator to get to the eighth floor, but when the door opens and she sees…


Well. It’s not a problem. I cannot speak but I can still understand Polish. It’s like to drive a bike. One can be very rusty,…