Remembrance Day for 6 million Jews murdered by German extermination machine and collaborating with it bollards and helpers of all kinds.
Remembrance Day for the victims of war pogroms and burned barns.
Remembrance Day for the victims of Babi Jar.
Remembrance Day for the victims who died in ghettos before the deportation.
Remembrance Day for the victims of German death camps.
Remembrance Day for the victims murdered or handed over to the Germans.
Remembrance Day for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters.
Remembrance Day for the uprising in the Będziń-Sosnowiec Ghetto.
Remembrance Day for the uprising in the Białystok Ghetto.
Remembrance Day for the uprising in the Częstochowa Ghetto.
Remembrance Day for the Jewish participants of the Warsaw Uprising.
Remembrance Day for the Jewish participants in the combat against the German occupiers. From Lenino and from Monte Cassino.
Remembrance Day for the victims of the post-war pogroms.
Remembrance Day for the victims left without burial or prayer.
Remembrance Day for newer mourned victims.
Yom HaShoah.
Never again!
Alex Wieseltier
April 2020